Intro Component

Versatile text component

The Intro Component is a versatile text only component that can be used in various ways. It uses the following content fields:

  • Title
  • Sub title
  • Prose
  • hasCtas (boolean, if true one or more CTA(s) will be displayed)
  • CTAs (a set of one or more CTAs)

Note that all of the fields are optional!

As a page header

Set the header field to h1 and add title, sub title and some prose. Also, a set of CTAs are available just like on this page.

As a section header

This component may be used anywhere in a page. Add it before a set of media components to provide some context for the following components.

Insert a code snippet with syntax highlighting

Read a little more about this here

A javascript code snippet

  const variable = "we are testing";
  const variablePlus = `${variable} and more...`;

A scala code snippet

  object MyClass {
    def adder(a:Int, b: Int) = a + b;

    def main(args: Array[String]) {
      print("sum of a and b is " + adder(225,140));